"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven. '" - Matthew 19:14
Reaching the Children of West Texas
Partnering with churchesÂ
to take the Good News ofÂ
Jesus Christ to children.
​Our Purpose:
Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Our Mission:
To enlist, equip and encourage a team of qualified leaders who will effectively fulfill the purpose of Child Evangelism Fellowship , expanding the work throughout West Texas.
Our Vision:
Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day.

Child Evangelism Fellowship of  West Texas

International Plaza, CEF Headquarters in Missouri
Child Evangelism Fellowship
of West Texas
CEF - Reaching Children Worldwide
Child Evangelism Fellowship is the largest worldwide ministry to children that was incorporated in 1937.
CEF's International Headquarters is located in Warrenton, Missouri.
Visitors are always welcome!
Our Vision is to Reach
Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Our state ministry is part of CEF USA Ministries. CEF of West Texas was incorporated in 1961, and
CEF of East Texas was incorporated in 1964.
Visit the CEF Headquarters website at:
CEF chapters in West Texas:
Midland Basin Chapter
Permian Basin Chapter (Odessa)
Red River Chapter (Wichita Falls)
Rio Grande Chapter (El Paso)
South Plains Chapter (Lubbock)
Texas Panhandle Chapter (Amarillo)
Big Country Chapter (Abilene)​
We praise God for our staff, volunteers, donors, prayer partners, and other friends in these areas!
We praise Him for the children He brings to our clubs and other outreaches!

For 87 years Child Evangelism Fellowship has been taking the Gospel message to children through effective, proven methods.
Club Ministries
CEF partners with local churches to provide life-changing Bible Clubs for children. Each one is unique!
Christmas Party Clubs - held in Nov./Dec./January to tell children the true meaning of Christmas.
Good News Clubs take place during the school year and are usually right in the school one day each week (Sept.-April)
5-Day Clubs are usually taught by teens we have trained in Christian Youth in Action. They are held in childcare centers, apt. complexes, Boys & Girls Clubs, churches -- anywhere children gather.​
Many children are receiving free Bible lessons in the mail from The Mailbox Club.

West Texas Local Chapters

Reaching children in 26 counties in the Panhandle region of West Texas for over
80 years!
2700 S. Western, Ste 500
Amarillo, TX 79109
Ph# 806-374-3024
Our chapter is committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to boys and girls throughout the 11 counties in our area.
The chapter office is located in the Lamar Baptist Church building on the corner of 11th & Harrison in Wichita Falls.
PO Box 3494
Wichita Falls, TX 76301
Tel: 940-687-3344

CEF in the Rio Grande area serves children in the following counties, including ministry on
Fort Bliss Army Post:
El Paso
Jeff Davis
To get involved, call Vicki Johnston at
Or email vj.cefriogrande@gmail.com

South Plains Chapter
serving 18 counties in the South Plains region of West Texas
To learn more about our chapter,
please call
(806) 543-8508
or email: piercecefspc@gmail.com

P.O Box 53611
Midland, TX 79710
Call Neville Peyton at 432-528-4855
Email: office@cefmidland.org

Permian Basin Chapter
The Permian Basin Chapter was chartered in Fall 2021 to reach boys & girls in the following counties in the Odessa area:

Big Country Chapter
We thank God for bringing people together to form this CEF West Texas chapter that was chartered in Feb. 2023. It covers 12 counties in the Big Country area of Texas.

West Texas Office

Caprice Gatea
State Coordinator
We are excited to introduce Caprice! She started serving with CEF of West Texas on July 1, 2024, as assistant state director. In January 2025, she will move into the position of state coordinator; and after completing a leadership checklist, she will be out next state director.
Caprice has a heart for taking the gospel to children, and she has served God in Kenya, New York City, Romania, and in Ranger, Texas. (She will provide her bio soon.)
We thank God for sending her our way! This fall, she will take classes at Children's Ministries Institute in Warrenton, Missouri (August-Nov.)

Office Manager
Pam Miller
I love working as Office Manager for CEF of West Texas, I practically grew up with CEF®. When my parents moved our family from Mineral Wells, TX to Wichita Falls in 1972 in the summertime, some nice ladies would knock on the doors of our neighborhood and invite the children to Backyard Bible Club. They mentioned that we were going to sing, have a Bible story, eat snacks and have a great time. My brother, sisters and I, plus the neighborhood kids, went and had a wonderful time. We heard the gospel, and sang songs that are still in my memory. It wasn't until I started working for CEF® that I learned what I had experienced as a child with Backyard Bible Club was an outreach of CEF®!
"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."
Hebrews 13:5(b)
Sandra Lea
Administrative Assistant
I was born and grew up in Shreveport, LA. I attended and graduated from LSU –Baton Rouge with a degree in Business Management and Administration. I was blessed to be born into a family that served God, so I accepted Jesus at an early age. Sunday School teachers played an important role in my life, so I value the ministry and mission of Child Evangelism Fellowship. I’m married to Gerald and we have 3 children, a son name Jonathan, a daughter name Whitney and a daughter-in-law name Mariesa. We also have two grandsons -- James and Miles. My husband and I serve God at City Hope Church in Wichita Falls.
Philippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
"I thank God for sacrificing His life for me"Â
9 year-old girl in 5-Day Club in Abilene