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South Plains Chapter

man speaking at training
About South Plains Chapter

Child Evangelism Fellowship has been actively reaching children in Lubbock and surrounding counties for many years.  We are thankful for our history and the lives of children impacted by the Gospel.  Great things are happening today and the outreach is growing.













Working Together

We partner with churches to reach children with the gospel message.  So many children do not attend church, so we want to help local churches take the Gospel to boys & girls in the public schools through after-school Good News Clubs.  


To learn more ...

please call  us!  We can make a presentation to your church, assist you in recruiting a team, provide training & curriculum and help you launch an outreach to children who need to hear about Jesus.

(806) 543-8508



Our chapter is supported completely by individuals, churches, businesses, foundations...and by prayer!

If you're interested in becoming a financial partner, scroll down to our giving form. 


South Plains Staff

Pierce Meadows Local Director

Pierce Meadows - Local Director

I grew up right here in Lubbock. I went to Murfee Elementary, Evans Junior High School, and Monterey High School. I went to church at First Baptist Church most of my life.


I came to faith in Jesus Christ after hearing a sermon from the college pastor, John Strappazon. I felt the call to ministry during my college years, while I went to Texas Tech University. At first my plan was to be a lawyer, but I didn’t feel a peace about that path. I decided to get my Masters of Divinity with a Biblical Counseling degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. My mom, Kay, went there as well as my grandfather and grandmother. My dad, Ron, is a child support attorney for the state of Texas, and has advocated for children for the last 20 years.  My sister, Hannah, is married to Zach Simmons, and they both work at City Bank in Lubbock.


I heard about CEF from Carol Farris, who has been a dear family friend for several years. I am excited about the ways God is reaching children in the South Plains! I look forward to meeting you and serving alongside you to impact the community of West Texas.

Carol Farris - GNC Ministry Coordinator

Carol Farris- 
GNC Ministry Coordinator

I am a retired teacher of deaf and hard of hearing students. I am married to Michael, and we have two grown children, Jessica & Daniel and one son in heaven, Timothy.


My exposure to Child Evangelism Fellowship was through Daniel’s Sunday school teacher, Virginia Kelley. She used her Good News Club material to teach our son amazingly clear truths about Jesus and the Bible. I told her that “one day” I wanted to learn how to present the Gospel so clearly. When Virginia was diagnosed with ALS, I knew that “one day” had come. That was 19 years ago, and I have been doing Good News Clubs ever since.


Being a part-time staff member of CEF means that I will be able to continue Virginia’s legacy of reaching children with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ! 


Jeremiah 29:11    “For I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope.”

South Plains Committee

Ken Rose - Chair

Sharon Bogener - Vice Chair

Courtney Frank - Treasurer

Jim & Peggy Harman - Secretary

Suzan Fannin

Susan Hurt

Canzada Bray

Brad Sandefur​

Photo of Committee members

Some current and past committee members at new chapter office in 2021

CEF of West Texas is excited to partner with Easy Tithe to offer secure online and text-to-give support services. You can use this one button to give your financial gift to the specific chapter of your choosing.  


We accept Debit Card, Check Card, Visa, MasterCard, Discover,  & American Express through Easy Tithe. *We are charged a 3.0% + .30 processing fee on every transaction

(and an additional 2.7% + .15 by AmEx)

If you'd like to add to your donation to cover the fees, that would be a blessing!

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