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Join Us in Telling Children about Jesus.

Scroll down for volunteer screening application. 

"If you connect with children today, effectively teaching them biblical principles and foundations from the start, then you will see the fruit of that effort blossom for decades to come.  The more diligent we are in these efforts, the more prodigious a harvest we will reap."

- George Barna

The world's largest evangelist outreach to children, Child Evangelism Fellowship , reached over 19.9 million children in over 195 countries last year. With one-of-a-kind ministries, training and materials, we bring the Good News of Christ to children all over the world. 


If you feel led to join us in West Texas, there are many ways you can serve. 




We couldn't reach boys & girls with the Gospel without the help of our volunteers. They are the hands, feet, heart and much more of our ministry.


We love to train our volunteers to effectively teach children biblical principles, to present the gospel message, to lead songs, games and each part of a club.  


To know more about volunteering with CEF of West Texas, contact our office at 940-687-7788.

Bible lesson


For young people, 13-19 years of age, who are seeking the Lord about where to serve, Christian Youth In Action® is an excellent place to start! CYIA™ is a summer training program that prepares teens to teach children about God and His great love for them.

Our CYIA students serve as summer missionaries, taking the good news of Christ to children in their area, other cities in the USA or in another country.  They can also serve year-round with CEF .

 Opportunities abound --- and training is always provided.

Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day

Local Churches

The Local Church is an important partner in reaching out to children.  We work with churches to help them minister to boys & girls and their families.


Adopt-A-School is our school year partnership program with churches.


 A church will adopt a school to have a Good News Club®, and CEF provides access to  curriculum, training, and encouragement.  


To know more about partnering with CEF of West Texas, contact our office at 940-687-7788.


Child Protection Policy 

The protection of children is a high priority at CEF.  All staff and volunteers must comply with CEF USA policy and submit to a background check. 


Volunteer Opportunities

Investing Time…Impacting Eternity


CEF of West Texas serves 98 counties in Texas and there are many ways you can invest your time and talent in the work of reaching boys and girls with the Good News of Jesus Christ. You can come on your own or with a group from your church. Regardless, you will be amazed at what God is doing and best of all, you can be a part of it!


Here are some ways you can serve!

  • Help in a Good News Club (if your church has adopted a school; if not, please talk with your pastor or call us at 940-781-0899)

  • Serve on a local committee or the state board.

  • Volunteer as a driver for summer missionaries (teens) in the summer.

  • Become an Event Volunteer to help promote CEF of West Texas.

  • Be an Ambassador to promote CEF in your area.

  • Volunteer as a Prayer Coordinator.  Prayer is the foundation of this ministry.

  • Help raise funds for the ministry. 

  • Donate your time and talents to help on special projects.


Training Opportunities

Training is crucial to our ministry to children.  Every volunteer needs to be prepared to teach the children or to serve as club administrative assistant or grade shepherd.  Whatever the assignment, we want you to feel confident and ready to go.  It's a challenge in our busy world, and CEF is always looking for ways to provide training tools to help you effectively reach out to boys & girls in your area.


Find more info on training opportunities here

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