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Giving to CEF of West Texas
Your Local Chapter

(Scroll down for online giving form)

Thank you for wanting  to support Child Evangelism Fellowship! You can give online using one of the forms below.  You can easily donate via your mobile phone through text giving or a secure EasyTithe online transaction.



Making your Donations Online

CEF of West Texas partners with Easy Tithe to offer secure online and text-to-give support services. Click on the "Fund" drop-down to give to a specific chapter in West Texas.


See "Give Now" forms below.

The first form includes these funds:

State Office

Big Country Chapter

Midland Basin Chapter

Permian Basin Chapter

Panhandle Chapter

Red River Chapter

Rio Grande Chapter

Camp Good News

Summer Ministry

(The second "Give Now" form for the South Plains chapter)


Select the FUND you wish to support and follow the rest of the steps to make your donation. 









Next Give Now Form - South Plains Chapter

Text-to-Give Instructions

Donor Guide

1. Text the amount you would like to give and the fund name to CEF-WTX's designated number


Fund Names:

BCC (for Big Country Chapter)

Panhandle (for Panhandle Chapter)

Red  (for Red River Chapter)

                                                *Moller -to give to the June Moller Fund     

PBC (for Permian Basin Chapter)

South (for South Plains Chapter)

Summer (for Summer Ministry)

Camp (to support Camp Good News)      

[ 915-975-7716 Rio Grande Chapter ONLY]

2. If you are a first time, text-giving donor you will be prompted to visit a secure URL.

3. Once you click the registration link, you will enter your credit or debit card information.

4. At this point your donation will process.

5. You will see a confirmation text showing your donation and registration were successful

CEF of West Texas is a 501(c)(3). 

Contributions to CEF are tax-deductible.  This benefit carries with it the responsibility that all funds are under the official control of the CEF state board to use in carrying out the objectives and goals of Child Evangelism Fellowship.  We will make every effort to use the funds you give us in the way(s) you designate, though gifts cannot be designated for individuals.  If you designate toward a project and that project is overfunded or cannot be carried out in accordance with your designation, the funds will be used for similar projects under the auspices of the state board.


We will keep your support of CEF confidential.  We do not rent, sell, or exchange our donor list.  We endeavor to honor God in presenting our financial needs and in the management of all monies. 


Thank you for helping us to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to children! Your financial support is a blessing.




Charity Annuity Option

If you are retired or near retirement, desire a fixed income and can use additional tax savings in the form of an income tax charitable donation, you should look closely at the benefits available to you in a charitable gift annuity. 


A gift annuity is a written agreement by which an individual or couple makes a gift to Child Evangelism Fellowship® and in return receives a guaranteed income for life. 


The rate of interest is based on age. An individual usually receives a higher rate then a couple will. Also the older the annuitant, the higher the interest rate. A portion of the interest income received is tax-free. 


The annuitant will also receive an income tax charitable deduction the the year the gift is given. An annuity will not be part of your estate, thus avoiding estate tax and probate costs. 


Nerus McEwen is the Director of planned Giving for Child Evangelism Fellowship and she will be glad o send calculations made especially for you. All you need to do is contact her with your information.  Nerus can be reached at 866-563-9114 

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